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Help clean the shoes

Although donors may clean the shoes but all used shoes donated to ShareShoes, are sanitized manually by our volunteers. This is a hands-on process and tedious but surprisingly it can be a very gratifying experience!


Our volunteers muse about the compassionate owners of the donated shoes and wonder about the potential life enhancing opportunities which they may offer to someone in a far land. It always brings a smile to their faces when they pick up a little boy's or girl's shoes. 


Shoes are amazingly easy to clean! You can follow our protocol or you can help improve our shoe cleaning process. 


Maintain innventory

Shoes are categorized according to gender, type of the shoe and their sizes. Month/year stamp is added to the shoes ID to create a unique bar code for each shoe by our customized software. However, to keep the costs down, the bar code label is printed for only those shoes for which donors have requested tracking option by giving us their e-mail address. The donors e-mail and that articular pair's bar code, are entered into a custom database for contacting donors if recipients/organizations are able to scan or upload picture of the bar code to our server. It may sound complicated process but actually no special knowledge of computers is needed. Let us know if you can help.

Residential drives

Residential drives are fun to conduct. Our volunteers leave door hangers in houses in one particular geographic location, to help explain the shoe drive and the date of the pick up. Shoes are generally picked up 2-4 weeks later.We recommend leaving another door hanger, just a day or two before collection as reminder before designated pick up date for that particular community.


We need drivers to drop off the door hangers and then pick up the shoes. 


Public Events

Public events, gatherings and fairs provide ideal opportunists to spread the word.  Booths are set up by the volunteers where visitors are greeted and their questions answered. Many visitors decide to donate their used shoes and given reminder cards with locations of public places where they can drop off their shoes. They can also choose opt to have their shoes picked up at a certain date and place.

Volunteers are needed on rotational basis to help with the booth for the duration of the fair or the public event. Please help.


Final touches !

Before shipping, cardboard boxes emblazoned with Shareshoes logo with spray paint and stencil. Labels are attached to the boxes describing contents of each box (number, gender, type and size of the shoes).


Boxes are eventually shipped to our partners for storage in warehouses in US in the 40 feet shipping containers for shipping abroad. Currently, ShareShoes is working with sister non-profit organizations for shipping to communities, orphanages and schools in Africa.


Volunteers are needed to get shoes ready for pick up by the charities. 

Give monetary donation

Help support the operation which are managed by all volunteer staff of the Shareshoes. There are no paid employees and every effort is made to keep the costs down. All your donations are tax-exempt. Shareshoes has tax exempt status under Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c) (3). You can donate here.


​​Call us:

(859) 551-0015

​Find us: 

1042 Center Drive, Richmond, KY 40475

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